Rauchtopaz stone or smoky quartz: magical properties, suitable for whom

 The world has a huge number of precious stones and various minerals that, in addition to their appearance, have interesting physical and even magical properties. Choosing a decoration or just a favorite stone for yourself, you should learn more about it. Sometimes, despite the fact that the stone is liked externally, it can not only not benefit, but also harm its owner.

Today we will find out what kind of stone rauchtopaz is. What are its magical properties, and in which cases it is better to give up the stone, so as not to worsen its condition. The beauty of "smoky Topaz" is that it is universal-suitable for both the stronger sex and beautiful ladies.

Characteristics of the stone

Rauchtopaz belongs to the quartz group. What does smoky quartz look like? This is a fairly transparent mineral of gray-brown and brown color. The color intensity can vary from a light "haze" to a rich coffee or chocolate hue. There is also a black variety of this quartz, but it is called differently-Morion.

In addition to Topaz and smoky quartz, this mineral has other names – Scotch stone, Cairngorm. The color of the stone may change when exposed to high temperatures (more than 300 degrees), so it is not recommended to heat it. When exposed to direct sunlight or artificial light, the mineral turns slightly gray and green.

Precious or semi-precious or not

In fact, there is a rather fine line between these concepts. Semiprecious stone today is not considered a very correct concept at all, since this discredits the perception of the mineral in the eyes of the consumer.

There are also different classifications. For example, according to the classifications of Sobolevsky and Gurich, smoky quartz belongs to the third-order precious stones. But according to the Baer classification - to colored ornamental stones of the first order. According to the research Institute of jewelry industry, raukhtopaz is just a jewelry stone.

The advantages of the mineral are its low cost and prevalence. Therefore, it is used in the manufacture of jewelry such as engagement rings, bracelets, pendants, earrings, for more than one hundred years. As well as for figurines (including mystical rituals) and other accessories.

What is the difference between Topaz and rauchtopaz

The main difference is that rauchtopaz has nothing to do with Topaz. A more correct and responsible the truth can already be considered obsolete and almost unused the name "smoke-coloured". Because this beautiful stone is the most that neither is a natural quartz.

Also, smoky quartz is significantly cheaper and easier to extract than Topaz. And it has completely different properties. But don't look down on him. The mineral has a huge magical potential.

Magic properties of rauchtopaz

Smoky quartz has been considered one of the "darkest" stones in terms of magical effects for many centuries. It belongs to the planet of transformations and magic Pluto, which is the patron of one of the most mystical signs of the zodiac – Scorpio. Another famous mystic, count Cagliostro, describing the stone, called its action " materialization of sensual ideas." The stone fishes out and puts into thought forms the essence of the dark " I " of a person. Tibetan lamas even believed that with the help of rauchtopaz, you can create a tulpa (a paranormal being, a temporary double created by human thoughts).

In General, for everyone who has a developed imagination, and who knows how to create realistic images and situations in their head. But you should be careful for those who, with a good imagination, do not have willpower. Rauchtopaz can completely cut off such people from the real world, leaving them in the world of dreams.

For women and men who have their own consciousness, meditation techniques and thought control, smoky quartz will be an assistant in working with the astral body.

The strength of rauchtopaz increases as the shade deepens. The darker the stone – the more powerful it is. The most effective for magic work – black Morion.

Engagement rings

How else will the mineral help:

  • it has a calming effect on the nervous system,
  • it is a powerful talisman against the evil eye and damage,
  • protects the owner from negative energy,
  • helps to get rid of the creative crisis,
  • harmonizes the internal state of a person.

By the way, smoky quartz has long been called the "Stone of the dead". But you do not need to hear this, immediately get scared and throw the mineral away. In fact, this sinister name was given to him by helping him establish contact with the spirit world. This is one of the reasons why it was so valued by the ancient sorcerers. For its mystical appearance and powerful magical properties, it has firmly taken its place among important artifacts. Moreover, for such rituals, they tried to select the stone of the darkest possible shade, including black Morion.

Rauchquartz helps its owner to establish a connection with the other world, to understand the secrets of the universe, to penetrate the veil of the future. At its core, smoky Topaz can be called a bridge between two worlds – ours and the afterlife. And modern magicians give the stone the same properties and use it for the same purpose. Also, the mineral gives its owner serious power, but you need to be able to work with it. However, despite this description of the stone, this does not mean that you should not buy jewelry with these stones. If your a girl with will power will help it in translating its goals and ideas engagement rings with the Rauchquartz.


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