How to wear pearls: who can/can't be combined with what and other recommendations

 Some believe that today pearls have lost their relevance, but this is absolutely not the case. It is impossible to imagine a fashionable lady who does not have a beautiful pearl necklace in stock for a summer dress or business suit. Let's look at what outfits are recommended to wear mother-of-pearl for modern fashionable ladies and what signs exist when wearing pearls today.
How and with what to wear pearls

Pearl accessories can be combined with almost any style of clothing and age. Everyone knows that one of the most fashionable styles of clothing in everyday life today is casual, so engagement rings and pearls in this image will be very useful. Despite the fact that engagement rings seem very delicate and absolutely not an everyday accessory, it will still be perfectly combined with light blue jeans, a blouse and a dark jacket.

Engagement rings

Engagement rings with pearls will perfectly complement a light dress made of chiffon or silk. They will emphasize the youth and freshness of their mistress, give the image of tenderness and femininity.

Also, beads with pearls will be a great accessory for a strict suit. The summer version of office clothing will be combined with a white necklace and, for example, engagement rings made of white gold with inserts of pearls. A warm strict suit will adorn dark gray or black mother-of-pearl.

By the way, pay attention to the extraordinary jewelry with Baroque pearls. They will be perfectly combined with the business style, giving it a touch of playfulness and seduction.

And, of course, do not forget that the most gorgeous pearls will look in festive outfits. Let it be a wedding dress or just an evening decoration for going to the theater. This image will look smart and luxurious with pearl accessories. And if you want to show everyone that you also earn good money, choose engagement rings with pearls, decorated with diamonds.

Our ancestors knew that magnificent engagement rings with pearls have a great energy and can greatly influence the fate of a girl/woman. Previously, people said that a pearl necklace should not be worn by unmarried girls, because otherwise a young woman risks being left alone and not have offspring. However, with the development of science, astrologers have slightly changed their point of view:

It is believed that a black pearl necklace is a good choice for a divorced woman. Such a talisman will help its owner find a good husband and re-start a happy family with heirs.
Girls who are in search and have never worn the title of wife should often wear white pearls. They indicate the youth, bloom, strength and energy of their lovely mistress. Mother-of-pearl will help you prepare for marriage, become more submissive, wiser, and acquire the necessary household skills.

Engagement rings

Unmarried charmers after 30 years are advised to wear pearls only in light colors. It is believed that black pearls will cause such ladies a sad mood and develop self-doubt.
And the bride is recommended to wear pearls to the wedding, even because it will not only emphasize all the luxury and charm of her image, but also become an indispensable talisman for the rest of her life. This decoration will support the strength and energy of a young beauty on the holiday itself, and later will become a good talisman for her family from envious, ill-wishers, bad people. Therefore, if your mother or grandmother decided to give you pearls for your wedding, do not be afraid, but accept this gift with respect: decoration will help you in the most difficult life situations.

How should married ladies wear pearls? In what situations will it help? 

Engagement rings

A Woman who boasts a "pearl" engagement rings or bracelet is sure to be compliant, wise and flexible. These are the qualities that white mother-of-pearl will give to its owner.
Even a married lady pearls will help to establish relations with her husband, if there are disagreements and frequent quarrels in the family.
Black mother-of-pearl will bring the hostess financial independence and confidence in the future. And this is not strange, because a real decoration made of black pearls costs a lot.

Who should not wear jewelry with pearls the Magic of pearls has a very strong influence on a person, but not all of this natural power is suitable.

In film and theater circles, they say that actors should not wear pearls, as it prevents the disclosure of their abilities, making a person withdrawn, less sociable and charming.
Pearls are a symbol of loyalty, purity, openness, and sincerity, so it should not be worn by people who are prone to deceit, lies, and betrayal. In the hands of such individuals, the beads quickly darken and die.
It is not recommended to wear jewelry with mother-of-pearl for individuals with a weak character, as well as people who are in a depressed, depressed state and do not want to deal with their problems on their own. From the point of view of energy, pearl embellishments are recommended to be worn by strong, strong-willed, bold, capable people who will stop at nothing to achieve their goal.


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