
Сообщения за ноябрь, 2020

How to wear pearls: who can/can't be combined with what and other recommendations

 Some believe that today pearls have lost their relevance, but this is absolutely not the case. It is impossible to imagine a fashionable lady who does not have a beautiful pearl necklace in stock for a summer dress or business suit. Let's look at what outfits are recommended to wear mother-of-pearl for modern fashionable ladies and what signs exist when wearing pearls today. How and with what to wear pearls Pearl accessories can be combined with almost any style of clothing and age. Everyone knows that one of the most fashionable styles of clothing in everyday life today is casual, so engagement rings and pearls in this image will be very useful. Despite the fact that engagement rings seem very delicate and absolutely not an everyday accessory, it will still be perfectly combined with light blue jeans, a blouse and a dark jacket. Engagement rings Engagement rings with pearls will perfectly complement a light dress made of chiffon or silk. They will emphasize the youth and fresh

Rauchtopaz stone or smoky quartz: magical properties, suitable for whom

 The world has a huge number of precious stones and various minerals that, in addition to their appearance, have interesting physical and even magical properties. Choosing a decoration or just a favorite stone for yourself, you should learn more about it. Sometimes, despite the fact that the stone is liked externally, it can not only not benefit, but also harm its owner. Today we will find out what kind of stone rauchtopaz is. What are its magical properties, and in which cases it is better to give up the stone, so as not to worsen its condition. The beauty of "smoky Topaz" is that it is universal-suitable for both the stronger sex and beautiful ladies. Characteristics of the stone Rauchtopaz belongs to the quartz group. What does smoky quartz look like? This is a fairly transparent mineral of gray-brown and brown color. The color intensity can vary from a light "haze" to a rich coffee or chocolate hue. There is also a black variety of this quartz, but it is called

Young-green: 15 stylish accessories in green

Engagement rings Green stones have been used by jewelers for centuries – it is difficult to imagine a luxurious crown or necklace of a rich lady without emeralds and tourmalines… In addition to expensive precious stones, semi – precious stones, such as malachite, aventurine, and Jasper, also look very impressive. Modern accessories in green look no less fashionable and stylish, especially if you approach the choice carefully-combine several decorations at once and correctly fit them into your wardrobe. Green color always causes only the most positive associations, regardless of its saturation or hue. On the one hand, it is the color of nature, a symbol of renewal and harmony, always pleasing to our eyes. Psychologists believe that it is green that sets a person up for calm and peace of mind. On the other hand, green can be bright, energetic and noticeable, which is why many designers are so fond of it in 2020. But you don't have to combine green jewelry with things to match-we will